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Parkside Interactive

Parkside Interactive

We’re Parkside®. A leading software development & design company with expertise in user research, UX design and custom software development. Since 2007, our team — now 100 and always growing — has been developing digital applications for top brands such as LinkedIn, PicMonkey, Shutterstock, Rolling Pin, BearingPoint, just to name a few.

We are located in the heart of Europe, in Graz (Austria), and work on global projects with clients in the DACH region and US. Parkside is a place where you can grow — personally & professionally — like never before. It's a place where you can tackle challenging projects every single day, get to know open-minded colleagues from all over the world and learn from highly skilled co-workers. And we're always looking for great talent to join us.

Lead your way to success
with Parkside Interactive

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