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msg insur:it

msg insur:it

At msg insur:it, we develop trust and we're shaping insurance companies' work experience with our own software delivered in worldwide projects and customers.

With a cross-functional and cohesive team, as we continue to grow, we strive to remain adaptable, motivated, and responsive to changes. We take pride in being a growth mindset focused team, up-to-date, and open to new ideas.

We’re always transforming how we operate in order to adjust, expand, and make our clients’ lives better. At msg life Iberia, we know each other names, value different experiences, respect and trust our team members' work.

Lead your way to success
with msg insur:it

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Data Policy The Municipality of Porto (MP) ensures that all data collected on this form is used and managed exclusively by InvestPorto to respond to your request to share your personal data (name, email and nationality) with the companies you selected before submitting the form.
Contact person Contact of the data processor and controller - Municipality of Porto, InvestPorto Municipal Division:
Contact of the data protection officer:
For more information on the privacy policy of the MP, please visit: